CPD Registration Form
How to book:
Please complete CPD Registration Form below or download a reg form and return to [email protected]
We will confirm your place and send an invoice once a completed form has been received.

All of our courses are experiential. Experiential learning is powerful since the collaboration and personal learning from each other element accelerates learning and ownership of the subject matter. Many of our previous participants have remarked on how powerful, but gentle, this approach is and how much it has helped them in their own lives.
At present we run two-day courses in Leeds, York, Blackpool & London on the following subjects:
Working with Adults - Stage 1 :
1. Complex Trauma Work during the 1st phase of trauma recovery - Stage 1, (Single, Multiple & Childhood Trauma ) 23rd & 24th January 2019 (London) + 23rd & 24th March 2019 (Leeds- no places left) + 3rd/4th August (Blackpool) + 14th/15th September (Leeds)- no spaces left (waiting list) + 1/2nd February 2020 (Leeds)
2. Dealing with Secondary Trauma impact, Vicarious Traumatisation and Burnout (for any professionals supporting trauma survivors) - in-house workshop (only).
3. Fear and the Therapist - A one-day workshop aimed at enhancing our ability as therapists to recognise and regulate our own Fear System responses in our work with clients (Saturday 12 October 2019)
2. Dealing with Secondary Trauma impact, Vicarious Traumatisation and Burnout (for any professionals supporting trauma survivors) - in-house workshop (only).
3. Fear and the Therapist - A one-day workshop aimed at enhancing our ability as therapists to recognise and regulate our own Fear System responses in our work with clients (Saturday 12 October 2019)
Working with Adults - Stage 2:
1. Complex Trauma Work during the 2nd stage of trauma recovery - Stage 2, (Single & Multiple Trauma ) - (London tbc) + (Leeds on 12th & 13th May 2019 -no places left) + (Blackpool on 31st Aug/1st Sep )
2. Complex Trauma Work with Adult Survivors of Childhood Trauma - Stage 2 - 23rd & 24th November 2019 (Leeds) + 22nd/23rd June 2019 (Blackpool)
3. Working with Nightmares and Dreams - Stage 2 on 13th & 14th March 2019 (London - no place left) + 12/13th October (Leeds- 2 places left) + Blackpool - 18/19th January 2020
4. Working with Nightmares and Dreams: Advanced Training and Networking Dinner' – (13th April 2019- York) There will be a working lunch, a networking dinner, and accommodation for those who need it, all of which are included in the special price of £70 (for therapists who have already completed 2 day workshop on working with nightmares)
2. Complex Trauma Work with Adult Survivors of Childhood Trauma - Stage 2 - 23rd & 24th November 2019 (Leeds) + 22nd/23rd June 2019 (Blackpool)
3. Working with Nightmares and Dreams - Stage 2 on 13th & 14th March 2019 (London - no place left) + 12/13th October (Leeds- 2 places left) + Blackpool - 18/19th January 2020
4. Working with Nightmares and Dreams: Advanced Training and Networking Dinner' – (13th April 2019- York) There will be a working lunch, a networking dinner, and accommodation for those who need it, all of which are included in the special price of £70 (for therapists who have already completed 2 day workshop on working with nightmares)
Working with Children - Stage 1 and Stage 2:
1. Stage 1 - Working with Children: Helping Children Cope with Trauma - 30th Nov/1st Dec 2019 (LEEDS)
More workshops:
1. Introduction to Psychological First Aid (for field workers and professionals on how to assist during & after a critical incident) - in-house workshop.
2. EXPLORING THE DYNAMICS OF ATTACHMENT IN ADULT LIFE, (THE MCCLUSKEY MODEL) - These 7 sessions will be on a Saturday morning from 9.30am until 12.45 at roughly three weekly intervals (start on 23rd February)
2. EXPLORING THE DYNAMICS OF ATTACHMENT IN ADULT LIFE, (THE MCCLUSKEY MODEL) - These 7 sessions will be on a Saturday morning from 9.30am until 12.45 at roughly three weekly intervals (start on 23rd February)
We also specialise in delivering bespoke training courses in-house by tailoring lively, engaging and accessible experiential training content based on agencies’ needs at a venue of your choice. We provide a wide range of learning opportunities from very experienced trainers. With budgets and resources shrinking, the pricing of our in-house training is highly competitive with substantial discount for the Voluntary sector.
In addition, do get in touch with us if you have a venue that can host up to 15 people so we can deliver our already established courses.
150 - early booking if booked 8 weeks in advance |
150 - early booking if booked 8 weeks in advance |
150 - early booking if booked 8 weeks in advance |
2 day workshop (from 10 am to 5 pm) |
2 day workshop (from 10 am to 5 pm) |
2 day workshop (from 10 am to 5 pm) |
Standard rate - £190 Student rate - £120 (3 places in each group) |
Standard rate - £190 Student rate - £120 (3 places in each group) |
Standard rate - £190 Student rate - £120 (3 places in each group) |
Metric #1 |
Metric #1 |
Please download a registration form from here:
Ways to pay :
- by the cheque through the post
- by direct bank transfer or
- by debit card on-line below:
Pay £130 - one-off Direct Debit payment:
Pay £140 - one-off Direct Debit payment:
Pay £150 - one-off Direct Debit payment:
CPD certificates will be issued