Zoom Workshop - Trauma Work during the 2nd stage of trauma recovery -Single & Multiple Trauma -Working with Intrusive Memory Experiences on 24/25th March 2021 (from 10 am to 16:30 on both days)
In - house group organised by Chris Jackson (ONLY !)
As soon as most of participants will pay, you will receive a group email with Zoom instructions on how to join us on 24 and 25th March 2021.
This module focuses on how to further support trauma recovery when trauma survivors of Single or Multiple trauma are ready for Trauma Processing of Intrusive Memory Experiences. This programme helps you to develop additional techniques and strategies essential to healing traumatic life situations presented by many clients. This is based on Phase 2 of Herman’s model, where safety and internal resources are in place so that work on the actual trauma can be done by using Embodied Re-Processing (Systemic , Experiential, Embodied approaches). This is a stage where we support safe re-integration of traumatic experiences.